Monday, December 29, 2008

Eden the Genie

Master of the Universe

I am so excited for you. You have so many good things in your life. You must have so much gratitude for all that you have. It is so exciting that you are going to be making such a difference in your life in the coming years! Please don't allow minor upsets to discourage you. You have so much to offer!

Take your life and look at how beautiful it is.

What do you want to happen in your life? Where do you want to go? What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of events do you want to occur?

You are responsible for your life. It is up to you to create your reality. Have faith in yourself, and in the universe. It is only a matter of time before you begin to see results.

Want fortune? Sylvester the Money Cat or Success 4 U will help you prosper.

Love? Rachel the Pass of Love or Hannah the Heart Hunter Can help draw love into your life.

These dolls serve as a very tangible reminder of the goals you are setting for yourself. Trust me, it's pretty hard to ignore a sweet little doll that hangs from your rear view mirror or your keychain!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holidays Around the World

Christmas is a huge holiday in Canada, as in many places around the globe. While this time of year holds special meaning for most everyone, it is not necessarily Christmas for all. It is Winter Solstice celebrating the return of the light, it is Hanukkah the Festival of Lights, it is when Buddha became enlightened, it is Pancha Ganapati – a beautiful hindu celebration I cannot put into words, but someone else has:

This is my favourite time of the year, but for many people the holiday season can be devastating. Seeing media images of “happy” families with piles of food, and a truckload of gifts under a tree can be depressing. These thoughts can be a painful reminder of what one does not have. The important thing to remember is that you are not ever truly alone. Even the people who have all the makings of a beautiful celebration are searching for something … A “media” Christmas can feel empty and meaningless.

This is an important time of year for all of us. The winter Solstice (Dec 22) marks the day when the days start to get longer again. It is a celebration of the return of the light. The light is what gives us life. Whatever you believe, this time of year represents new life. We all need light to survive, and I’m not talking about just the Sun here. The return of the Sun symbolizes the opportunity for a fresh start. It is up to you to take advantage of the offer.

Try something different this year. Release the negative feelings and situations that are holding you down. Make room for new opportunities and be wise to recognize them when they present themselves.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

New dolls for 2008

I am so amazed at the talent and attention to detail that the Thai people have. They create the greatest products (when they're not making imitation Gucci sunglasses that is). Every time I go there, I wind up at the Chatachuk Market in Bangkok only to fall in love with some new little fashion accessory they have. Everything is handmade too which makes it more special when the world mostly relies on China to mass create something in a factory.

I brought back loads of exciting new dolls and a whole new collection of dolls too called fUNKsTAR Bono Bunnies.

The Hallo Kitty doll is so freakin cute even in her meanness.